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Book Title: The Simians of South Block and the Yum Yum Piglets

A diabolical plan has just been set into motion by the anonymous powers that be, to rid Delhi's mighty South Block of the terrible Gutka the Gross and his Horde of One Hundred. They are to be translocated to the Shikhargunj National Park where they are to be put to better - and more sinister - use. At Shikhargunj, a leadership crisis has arisen; Sher Bahadur, its sole tiger has taken sanyas and a bitter struggle for succession has broken out. Top contender, Dhoomdham, the clumsy, drooling leopard must bring the head of the chief forest officer's little daughter, Aranya, to the Waterhole of the Truce to stake his claim. But then the Horde arrives and all hell breaks loose as a dangerous 'hostage crisis' develops. Shockingly none of the other animals wish to get involved, but the Yumyum piglets have no choice in the matter. Cleverly they inveigle the drooling Dhoomdham to help them, along with Bholu, the mighty elephant with suspect brakes and steering. An audacious plot is hatched to free the hostages, even as Aranya watches in amazement, and Gucci the posh croc smacks his huge jaws in anticipation.

Author Name: Ranjit Lal
Reference Number:2325
ISBN: 9788186939444
Number of Pages: 147
Book rating: No Rating
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A little about me: I always knew I wanted to work with books somehow, so I studied English at university before working in a bookshop, a literary ag Read More...

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