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Book Title: Kartik's War

It is the second century BC and the reign of King Ashoka of Pataliputra. After the Battle for Kalinga he has vowed that he would never fight another war again.

However, there is one person in Pataliputra who does not like this sudden state of peace---our hero Kartik. He was once a leading military spy and now has nothing to do. To his utter disgust he has been demoted to the work of criminal investigations. Kartik has been assigned the job of investigating a case of corruption in the Mauryan bureacracy. Ultimately what he unravels is something much more dangerous.

In this exciting historical adventure-mystery, travel back to the colourful Mauryan times, as Kartik faces danger and duplicity and declares a new war for his beloved king.

Author Name: Subhadra Sen Gupta
Reference Number:1770
ISBN: 8171678750
Number of Pages: 84
Book rating: No Rating
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