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Book Title: The Babes in the Wood

After weeks of rain, Chief Inspector Wexford has just finished moving his books and furniture upstairs to protect them from the rising waters when the telephone rings. Two local teenagers and their babysitter have gone missing. Wexford isn't particularly worried, since these things usually sort themselves out. But as hours stretch into days, he begins to suspect he has a kidnapping on his hands. The stakes get even higher when a member of the missing trio turns up dead in the woods nearby.

In the course of his investigation, Wexford must deal with a neighbor whose alibi is questionable, a religious cult and its sylvan rituals, someone close to the children's family who nurses a terrible secret, and the babysitter's ex-husband, who reveals the woman's hidden penchant for violence.

Author Name: Ruth Rendell
Reference Number:1574
ISBN: 077042922 X
Number of Pages: 375
Book rating: No Rating
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A little about me: I always knew I wanted to work with books somehow, so I studied English at university before working in a bookshop, a literary ag Read More...

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