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    Author :: Herge

Book Title: The Adventures of Tintin, Destination Moon

Tintin begins his greatest adventure when he and Captain Haddock are rather cryptically summoned to join Professor Calculus in Klow. It turns out that the professor has joined a consortium in order to build a rocket that will land a person on the moon (this was in 1953, well before Neil Armstrong). Unfortunately, the project has attracted some unwanted attention from those who will resort to sabotage and skullduggery to steal the technology. Is the project successful? Well, it's probably not that great of a spoiler to reveal that the story is continued in Explorers on the Moon.


Author Name: Herge
Reference Number:C 0599
ISBN: 0749704675
Number of Pages: 62
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A little about me: I always knew I wanted to work with books somehow, so I studied English at university before working in a bookshop, a literary ag Read More...

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