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    Author :: Jeffrey Archer

Book Title: Be Careful What You Wish For

When Harry and Emma Clifton hear about their son Sebastian's car accident, they rush to the hospital unsure whether it was their son who died or his best friend Bruno. Meanwhile, Don Pedro schemes to install Major Alex Fisher into Ross Buchanan's seat as the chairman of the Barrington Shipping Company, a seat that Emma desires following Buchanan's forced retirement. The Barrington family firm is threatened by Pedro's intentions just as the firm stands to build its new luxury liner, the MV Buckingham. In London, Harry and Emma's adopted daughter finds love in the Slade Academy of Art. However all delight at the news of the wedding vanishes when an old friend, Lady Virgina Fenwick, appears. Events take a turn when a hitherto unknown Yorkshireman, Cedric Hardcastle, takes a place in the board of Barrington's firm, changing the lives of both families.

Author Name: Jeffrey Archer
Reference Number:4114
ISBN: 9781447265092
Number of Pages: 387
Book rating: No Rating
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A little about me: I always knew I wanted to work with books somehow, so I studied English at university before working in a bookshop, a literary ag Read More...

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