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    Author :: Pritam Chakravarthy

Book Title: A Blaft Anthology of Tamil Pulp Fiction

Selected and translated with feeling, by Pritam Chakravarthy, these stories were once serialised in magazines like “Anandha Vikatan”, “Kumudham”, “Dhinamani Kadhir”, “Thuglaq”, “Kalaimagal”, “Kalkandu” etc. This pulp is what large parts of the reading public – including people like Pritam herself, who were also reading in English – have been reading, rather than the “literature” collected in books.
The collection brings to mind another time, another kind of life, life not networked by Internet, life before pulp was so easily available in books.
There’s some interesting additional material: magazine covers and illustrations, blurbs, interviews with authors, ads for books etc.

Author Name: Pritam Chakravarthy
Reference Number:1985
ISBN: 9788190605601
Number of Pages: 366
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A little about me: I always knew I wanted to work with books somehow, so I studied English at university before working in a bookshop, a literary ag Read More...

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