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      Historical Fiction  >>    A Spoke in the Wheel
Book Title: A Spoke in the Wheel

This is a story about the Buddha and his disciples, among them an ordinary monk, one of the questioners, and an extraordinary king, who seemed to have all the answers. It is also about how the movement called Dhamma was born, spread, changed lives and got changed itself. Alternating Upali's chronicle - a de-glorified, factual account of the life of Buddha - with that of Upali's own life during the reign of Emperor Ashoka, and imbuing both these parallel narratives with a wealth of historical detail and philosophical debate, A Spoke in the Wheel is an ambitious and erudite work of historical fiction - intricate in its craftsmanship, vital in its ideas and epic in its sweep.


Author Name: Amita Kanekar
Reference Number:2183
ISBN: 9798172235740
Number of Pages: 447
Book rating: No Rating
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A little about me: I always knew I wanted to work with books somehow, so I studied English at university before working in a bookshop, a literary ag Read More...

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