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      Non-fiction  >>    A Catholic Priest Meets Sai Baba
Book Title: A Catholic Priest Meets Sai Baba

In the course of his spiritual inquiry, a Catholic priest meets an enlightening and extraordinary being: Satya Sai Baba, a spiritual master who lives in Puttaparthi, India. Like Jesus, Sai Baba performs miracles, materializes objects, heals the sick and knows the past, present and future of everything that exists. Above all, a transcendent peace and harmony flow from him.
Who is Sai Baba? A saint, a magician, a demon, god in person? Don Mario Mazzoleni discovers how sai Baba’s teachings mirror those of Jesus Christ. Telling the story of his encounter with Sai Baba, and describing life in the ashram, he narrates the progress of his own spiritual search. His path begins with his need to detach himself from dogma and prejudice, and leads to the discovery of the fundamental unity of all religious creeds, a unity which transcends all cultural differences.

Author Name: Don Mario Mazzoleni
Reference Number:365
ISBN: 817208188X
Number of Pages: 282
Book rating: No Rating
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