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Author Name: Abhijit Karnik

Abhijit Karnik holds a BE [Instrumentation & Control] from Nirma Institute of Technology. He presently works as Project Manager with one of Asia’s leading IT firms in Mumbai. His friends describe him as “hardworking, passionate, straight-forward in appreciation and also criticism — a fervent friend and ‘relentless’ foe.” A literature buff, who grew up reading the works of Enid Blyton and Ernest Hemingway, Karnik is a big fan of Carl Sagan and Isaac Asimov — the “ground swell” for his especial interest in astronomy and robotics. Karnik loves computers, stand-up comedies and English movies, too. He says that he remembers many of my much-loved films, scene-by-scene.”

     Books By Author :: Abhijit Karnik

Being Icy Cool
 -by Abhijit Karnik

Abhijit Karnik's "Being Icy Cool" is a racy, sepia-tinted novel of college life. It revolves around Abe, the protagon... Read More

Author in Focus

A little about me: I always knew I wanted to work with books somehow, so I studied English at university before working in a bookshop, a literary ag Read More...

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 ver two million Shakespeare Shorts sold! Discover the world of Shakespeare with this collection of brilliant stories - perfect for readers of all ages. King Henry V is new to the throne and declares war on France, England's old enemy, to prove his military strength. As the country prepares for battle, will the young king accomplish the unthinkable - victory on French soil, against an Read More...
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