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   Author Details

Author Name: Howard Gardner

Howard Gardner is the John H. and Elisabeth A. Hobbs Professor in Cognition and Education at the Harvard Graduate School of Education. Among numerous honors, Gardner received a MacArthur Prize Fellowship in 1981. In 1990, he was the first American to receive the University of Louisville's Grawemeyer Award in education. In 2000, he was awarded a Guggenheim Fellowship. He lives in Cambridge, Massachusetts.

     Books By Author :: Howard Gardner

Frames of Mind
 -by Howard Gardner

A revolutionary challenge to the widely held notion that intelligence is a single general capacity possessed by every individua... Read More

Author in Focus

A little about me: I always knew I wanted to work with books somehow, so I studied English at university before working in a bookshop, a literary ag Read More...

Book of the Week



 The Gruffalo said that no gruffalo shouldEver set foot in the deep dark wood.But one wild and windy night the Gruffalo's child disobeys her father's warnings and ventures out into the snow. After all, the Big Bad Mouse doesn't really exist . . . does he?The Gruffalo's Child is the number one bestselling, much-loved sequel to the worldwide picture book phenomenon that is The Gruffalo. Julia D Read More...
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